A steady stream by Scott Mackenzie. Tales from the tips of the fingers of the desk of the human with thoughts of drastic action but lack of outright effort.

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A note-to-self thing.


Supple musings from a
familiar interface (🌐❔).

Sunday Minutes
Issue #1

Encoded stories taking shape with thought. The Twittering noise fades to untamed curiosity, ideas and elaborations. An unpredictable journey in the connected world. Can you lick it? Maybe.


Postman McGee: After overthinking my online presence to the point where I’ve just stopped posting, it’s time to mix it up. Posting just because. Posting content of interest. Posting regularly. The rule is to keep it positive, honest and vulnerable. Who really cares? It’s not that deep.

Stories + Systems: After a not-so-successful venture in 2022, 2023 was a year of calibration and course correction for Standing By. A hefty spoonful of creative output left little space for reflection. This year we tell our story and refine our systems.

In: Needle Hacking

I want to practice focusing on ways to move the needle more. My spin on first-principle thinking. This is to constantly be asking myself what tweaks or actions I can take to get the result I actually want.

In: Always Be Chunking

Be open to ways everyday ideas, processes, quotes, and pain points can be valuable to others if distilled and packaged in some way. Monitor for commonalities and seek opportunities to bundle chunks of concepts. Listen for chunks. Package chunks. Share chunks. Live a chunk-lyfe™

In: Hell-of-its

Create space for hell-of-it experiences. Read random books, commit to uncomfortable events, make beats, do gardening, kick a ball. All without needing the result to become a post or be part of your perceived “identity”.

In: Intention

Inspired by the “The Bear”. Commit wholly to whatever you’re spending time on. Take pride in it. Do it well. Show gratitude for the task and do it properly no matter how “beneath you” it is. Find or take extreme interest in the boring.

In: Frank the Feels

When you feel something, be frank about it. Own it. You’re literally feeling it, so it is something. Honour it, let it float up. Don’t disguise it or let it haunt the void of your mind at night. Write it down, expand on it, and relay it out loud to someone.

In: Action First

Do what you say and say what you do. Action before boasting.

In: Simplify the day

Find “less” in everything: less apps, less distractions, less processes, less steps, less perfection. Allow bigger space for the things that matter.

In: Fast starts

I’m adamant that 16hr (no eating from 8pm) fasting is a smart hack for food consumption and cell regeneration. Morning coffee is a-ok.

In: Sleeveless

I cut the sleeves off my gym shirts, I ain’t going back.

Ins: M&M’s → Mobility and Meditation

More movements and moments of clarity.


Being “Busy”, skipping gym, silly sugars, hot socks, sweating small stuff, people pleasing, perfectionism, shin splints, too many apps, drifting from purpose, thinking about thinking, phone cases (naked feels), podcasts/music and work.

Read a book, take a walk,
stare at the sea.